hello and welcome to leaky pipes- presumably not the world's first internet-exclusive magazine!

Welcome to the leaky pipes magazine!
I am Piper, your humble narrator; not an author in my own right, simply the scribe of the bizarre garblings I have heard.
You see, I live in a rickety old Victorian house. Perhaps to the less supernaturally inclined, this would indicate nothing- but the less supernaturally inclined should probably leave now, as it'll only get worse from here.
See, paranormal beings have a sense of humour. Upon hearing that a one Piper Berrycloth would be inhabiting their home, they instantly began attempting to communicate via the gurglings of the old copper pipes that run through my walls, causing me some distress.
I initially attempted to ignore them. Perhaps you, dear reader, consider this site to be the ramblings of a madwoman: yet be assured I went through that phase of assumption, and several pieces of paperwork would deem me, relatively, sane. I blocked out their whisperings, you know. Played music loud enough to drown out the way they whisper my name; and when the whisperings got too loud for music, I took to singing. It was only when my neighbours posted a very politely-worded letter, telling me very kindly to 'shut the fuck up', that I decided to try listening.
Pressing my ear up close enough to the copper piping, what I could once think of as just paranoia or mishearing suddenly became words. Sentences. I must have spent five hours that night, just listening to the stories the pipes told me.
Fantastical tales, they weave; stories of portals and fairies, mermaids and brave heroes. They tell me great truths, wise wisdoms, recipes for strawberry jam. The pipes are eclectic in their narration; and they never say the same thing twice.
Which is why I have compiled a magazine, of sorts: in it, you will find fiction of all kinds, short and ongoing stories; the strange things the pipes say on life; strange ramblings of a universe they call 'Neworld' and murder-mystery puzzles to solve, as well as much, much more. I'll attempt to get my scribing out weekly, yet note that they tend to be temperamental and may not tell me all of an issue exactly in one week- if all goes well, I will gift my knowledge every Sunday.
I hope you enjoy- the pipes say you will!
(p.s: find my tumblr account here!)

click the image to see our first issue! image of pipes a mysterious black-gold instrument